Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Strasborg is good, but the season starts tomorrow

Okay 14 strikeouts in 7 innings on less than 100 pitches is pretty good. But, I do think it was against the Pirate B team. When Doumit is out of the line up it is a vulnerable line up. No one is there to back up McCutchen and Walker who only struck out once a piece, and Jones at the 4 spot becomes very vulnerable. You can pitch him outside and if you lose him no big deal. With Doumit there you have to be careful of his power. He knows how to hit in the clutch, and get productive outs. This means usually tough situations to throw to Jones in, and you cannot be trying to catch corners on him. That leads to big homeruns for Jones or at least RBI fly outs. Cedano, Jarmillo, and even Young (who hit the homerun) are AAA quality guys that were just fodder for Strasborg. Still that kid is going to be good.

However the great news is that Lincoln pitches tomorrow and Tabata comes to the majors too. It looks like Jack Taschner is finished with the Pirates and Clement is going to get some time at AAA to work on his swing. Both good things. This also means Karstens stays with the team, which is good because for a while there he was going to get the win on Strasborg. Just a bad sixth. Overall a pretty good start from a guy who was not on the 40 man roster to begin the year. It also means that Jones will play first, which is where he ought to be, and Tabata can play the corner outfield. If he hits lead off that would be interesting.

Start counting the record from this point on as now is the new Pirates. Add in an Alvarez and I am already pumped about seeing the Strasborg kid again.

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